I Am a Fish

Hello my name is Fire and I am a Beta fish known as a fighter fish. I live in a big aquarium in a modern pet store. You might be wondering if I have any friends, unfortunately I can only see them through my glass pane.

In my aquarium I have a treasure chest, some colorful plants, an old house ruin to sleep in it and some shells and rocks. I pass my time swimming around the tank, going in and out of the house. I get fed daily in the morning, when the store is still closed a man comes besides my tank and gives me food.

I always notice new faces in the pet store taking my friends with them one by one and I always wished that someone kind would take me home with them. Finally, one day a little cute girl approached the shop owner and decided to take me with her.

When we arrived home she put me in a big tank with lots of decorations in it. I was very excited that I found a home. I noticed another tank by my side and there were really small fish inside of it. I was very happy that I found new friends. The little girl is doing a great job of taking care of us. Every now and then she puts a new decoration in each tank so we can play and hide behind them. I am very grateful for this girl as she gave me a new life!
