Different Homes

from around the


For the challenge we ask that you visit the library to access books that show pictures of different styles of homes from around the world. Please ask your child to choose a favourite style of home from another country and talk about what the differences are between the home you live in and their favourite one.

Next week we will be looking at a wide range of homes from around the world and discussing their similarities and differences. We will also explore why different materials are used, for exmaple because of the weather and the environmental conditions. The children will be exploring a range of materials and finding out which is the heaviest and which is the lightest.

Please continue to support your child with their targets as this will greatly aid their progress.

A Request

If you have an milk or bread crates, old car tyres or Little Tikes cars to donate please bring them in as we are trying to make the outdoor area even more exciting.

Thank you for your continued support!