The marrow competition

A few weeks a go Mrs Shaw made a competition where we had to guess the weight of a marrow. In my class somebody said 30 grams, and another said 1000 kilograms! If you guessed it right which somebody got close to the weight you won. We had 2 winners. One from Year 4 and one from year 6. We don't know who the winners are, what they guessed, what the marrow weighed, or what the prize is but we're very interested to know the answers.

The year 4 shoebox gardens

In year 4 we have been looking at the story the 'The green ship'. It was a ship made out of bushes,trees and plants. We then had the inspiration of designing and making our own, we used poster paint, tissue paper, and plastercine which some of got stuck in the floor! We took pictures and wrote stories about them afterwards.