
Meerkats where my favrot animal at the sarary park because they are

very cute and I love it when they play fight together because it is very


Standing at only 30 cm (12 in.) tall, meerkats, also known as suricats,

depend on group cooperation to survive in the Kalahari Desert.

They live in groups of 20-50 extended family members in large underground tunnels.


These family groups, called gangs or mobs, are led by an alpha pair,

with the female being the most dominant.

Most of the group members are either children or siblings of the alpha pair.

Meerkats are specially adapted to living in the harsh desert environment.

Dark patches around their eyes help them be effective lookouts by reducing

the glare of the sun, much like a baseball player who paints dark lines beneath his eyes.

Their eyes also allow them to take in a wide angle view of the scene.

This helps prevent predators from gaining an advantage by sneaking up.

Meerkats also possess special adaptations to help them burrow.

Their eyes have a clear protective membrane that shields them from dirt while digging.

Their ears also close tightly to keep dirt out.

This is a baby meerkat!