How to create a word list


Word lists are a great resource to help with creative writing. To list them, click on the W button on the j2e button bar.

Then choose from ‘my word lists’, ‘shared word lists’ or ‘library’.

Once chosen, that word list choice will be remembered for the document.

To use the word list, just click on a word, and it will be typed on your document.

To create a new word list, type or paste some text on a j2e page. analyse button in the text tools. Choose the words you would like in your word list, and select save word list. Once you have created a word list you may share it, or publish it in the word list library

To share them open the word list folder and place the cursor over the word list file that you want to share a blue arrow appears now click on it and share.

Kind Regards


How do I create a word list in J2e? They look great but we would love to make our own
