Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying week happens every year in November. It helps to remind people of the different types of bullying, how and to recognise it and how to stop it. Below are the different types of bullying. Don’t forget to look out for these and report it to the teachers. Remember, you can make the difference.

Physical Bullying

Physical bullying is probably the most obvious type of bully. It is when a person physically hurts someone. This can be done by one person or in a group called a gang. If you are being physically bullied, tell any adult that you trust, remember that bullying happens more than once so if they be mean to you for three or two days straight, that’s bullying.

Verbal Bullying

Verbal bullying is when people call you horrible names and say mean comments on everything you do which makes you feel alone and isolated from the world. If someone is doing this to you tell them your feelings and ignore them, if they continue tell an adult.

Social Bullying

Social bullying is probably the hardest to recognise, sometimes you don’t even know that you are bullying somebody or are being bullied.

Social bullying is when a person is always left out and rumours are being told about them behind their back.


Cyber-Bullying is when a person or a group of people are calling somebody names or saying mean things to them online. This is most common with teenagers, it starts when somebody posts a picture or comment online. Where almost everyone seeing the photo or comment can comment mean things about it, not knowing whom it is. It sounds easy to ignore but not so easy when it actually happens to you.

Anti-bullying Week is the week we stop all types of bullying, it is also a week to reflect on what you have done and if you have accidently bullied somebody. If you are bullying, it’s the week to reflect on other’s feelings and is you would like it

By Nicole 6E & Danica 5M