The Westbourne Chronicle

Issue 10


(Head) Teacher Profile

What is your name?

Mr Miracapillo.

If you weren’t a teacher what would you be? Diplomat.

Where are you from? Northern Italy, in a small village near Lake Como.

What is your favourite holiday destination? Kyoto, Japan.

What are your hobbies? Karate and Yoga.

Do you have any pets? Nope.

What do you like best about teaching?

The children.

What is your favourite subject?

Maths, RE and Philosophy.

What is your favourite sport?


Have you always been a teacher?

No I used to work for a business called IIR.

What did you study at University?


What did you want to be when you were younger? A Scientist.

On Monday the 14th and 21st of January, Fleet and Trent journeyed to Southwark Cathedral to learn about Victorian school life. After a pleasant, chatty stroll to Sutton Station, they boarded a train to London Bridge Station (which is underneath the SHARD!). Unfortunately, for Trent class, the train was delayed many times. However, Fleet class were more fortunate and boarded the train without any trouble. The train journey was nice and calm and involved some children reading about Brexit in the newspaper!

When they departed the train they had a jolly stroll to Southwark Cathedral. They passed delicious food stands and finally made their way to the cathedral. As they walked in they had to be silent because people were worshipping in the church area of the cathedral. They gathered in a room and were given a bit more information about Victorian schools before they had to put on their Victorian school clothes. The girls wore frocks, whereas the boys wore a hat and an old-fashioned waistcoat. They started their ‘school day’ in the courtyard and had to drill - which is basically like old fashioned P.E. where they had to stretch and march. After that, they headed indoors with straight backs and in complete silence. The classrooms were dull and dismal. Their first lesson in the classroom was Maths. They had to recite their three times tables and then write them down on a slate - basically like a mini chalkboard or an old fashioned white board. Next they got handed a copybook and had to practise Victorian handwriting (quite tricky). No left handers allowed! After that, the morning had ended and it was lunch time. During lunch,the Year 6 children visited the gift shop. On offer, were various items such as: sweets, stationary, books and much more. After that, there saw a variety of Victorian objects and we had to make a guess what they might be. Then, after that lesson, the fabulous day had ended. All the year 6’s enjoyed it and they’re sure the Year 5’s will next year!

This week’s competition is a short setting description about a Haunted House. Your descriptions need to be short but not sweet as they also need to be spooky. The winning description will be detailed and creepy but not too gory as we don’t want nightmares! The winner will be announced in assembly on 14th February. Have fun!