Wind Turbines good or bad?

Today, we are going to talk about the pros and cons of wind turbines. These gargantuan structures are fantastic to store green energy, but, on the other hand, they can also be a threat to wildlife. Which side are you on? Read on to discover facts on both the pros and cons of wind turbines.

Some people think that wind turbines are good because farmers who have wind turbines on their land can still countinue to have animals and use the land.They are skillful because they only use wind to work and as a result create a renewable source of energy. They are so amazing that you can them from almost anywhere. They create jobs as well for people, they don't need big construction and energy from the wind is a green source of energy which we will always have.

However, on the other hand, people say that wind turbines are bad for the environment, because people that live nearby the turbines complain about the noise it makes and how it can affect their sleep patterns and sleep. People also say that wind turbines on farms are very unsightly, and also threaten wildlife and animals, mostly bats and birds who get killed flying into the blades. Also the blades can get damaged and that will cost a lot of money to put it back into place or restart again. Some peole don't use wind energy and it will cost a lot to run.

In my opinion, I believe that wind turbines are good because they create wind energy (renewable energy), you can use it almost anywhere. It only requires wind to work and energy from the wind is green.

by Megan G