Updates from the E-safety Council


Our e-safety council did a fantastic job presenting an assembly to both KS1 and KS2. They worked hard to help create the powerpoint and used some of their knowledge from the visit to Westacre and their own learning. They did the school proud, well done to you all!


Our KS2 members visited Westacre for an E-safety workshop. We created our own E-safety video using an Ipad that we will be sharing with the school during an E-safety assembly in the Summer term.

E- Safety Council

We look forward to seeing who our new E-safety Council members are this year.

Here at Chawson First School we have proudly established

an E-Safety Council made up of children from Years 1-4.

The role of the E-safety Council is to ensure that E-safety is embedded throughout the school and that our children and parents are equipped with the knowledge they need in order to keep themselves safe online. We recognise that the world is full of technology and we have a duty to educate our children to use this technology safely.