The Day of Eight Kingdoms!
                By Grace

       A long, calm, peaceful time ago lived a rich lady called “Lady Rudy, Sadie, Berry, Amy, Jane, Polly, Danni, Buttons”. She was leader of the girls who went to the posh school! Well in a little, quiet magic village, girls wanted to be posh because they all had different magic powers so their mums and dads would allow them. However a little, shy but clever girl called Ivy didn’t want to but her posh, bossy, big, fussy, greedy, always fighting sisters were going so she had to. So poor Ivy had to go to big, boring, girl school. But Ivy was really cheeky in her magic “May be lady whatever her name is does not know I am the cheekiest girl in the school!” giggled Ivy.                       

So on the day of the school, Ivy went early before anyone else and used her magic on the school. She turned table upside down, pens on the floor, everything broken, especially the door! At 9:00am, the girls came in including Ivy, and they did have a shock, Lady Buttons was really embarrassed. At 11:00am, the classroom was cleaned up and ready for study. So it was ready and it was time for study. “Boring” said bored, tired Ivy.                                                        

 So that dark, creepy night Ivy couldn’t sleep, one, because her sisters were fighting, two, she was scared that Lady Buttons would hurt her if she found out!”What if she got a group of howling wolfs, or banishes me from the country, or uses her magic to make goblins to attack me!” she thought. That night Ivy had nightmares about wolves and goblins chasing her and lady buttons banishing her from the country. Also she dreamt that lady Buttons turned her into an ice sculpture and the goblins eventually ate her up.                                                                 

      “Ah, stop, please stop,” shouted Ivy even though she was not even dreaming now. “I should use my magic on Lady Buttons.” But then out of a book it had a map that said “
The land of eight kingdoms” And she decided to read the book. So Ivy started to read the book and she read the first paragraph out loud.””Far, far away lived a girl called Clara, who was adventure girl and wanted to discover eight kingdoms in just one big kingdom. So she went on the discovery of the eight kingdoms!"
Wow I can’t wait to read the whole book and tell my older sisters, they’re going to be so jealous!” excitedly Ivy said.  Ivy told her fussy, big, bossy, screaming sisters. “That’s so unfair, well school was so embarrassing I do not want to go there ever again”   said one of Ivy’s sisters called Katie. “Yeah, I am going to tell mother and father I quit, I just quit!!!!!!!!!” answered another of Ivy’s sisters called Sadie.    “Well I never wanted to go to school but you bossy, fussy sisters wanted to go! replied Ivy. Ivy then became very popular, even more than Lady Buttons!!!!!