Friday 5th July 2013
Responsibility and pets!
Today is a very special day for Cheswick Green Primary School as we are having the official opening of our 'new' school. We have had special events all week and everybody has had a fantastic time. The 'Health Bus' came at the start of the week and since then the children have been doing Forest School activities, creating a special school garden, working on the new tree mosaic to go on the outside of the school building, creating a tree of hands for the new entrance hall, doing lots of craft activities with their parents, learning Circus Skills with Clive Sensible and producing enterprise goods to sell for charity. There was also a big balloon race as the ribbon was cut and the school was officially reopened by the youngest and oldest children in the school.

We are all very proud of our 'new' school and we all have our favourite places in the new building. I like the light open spaces that make the school such a fantastic learning environment for children and adults. I also like working and having meetings in my new room because there is now plenty of space, everybody can have a comfortable seat and I can open the windows! There is not a single part of our new school that I do not think is really great!

I am extremely grateful to all those people who have helped us throughout this amazing experience particularly the Local Authority, Ridge, Mantons and our school Governors and parents. Also, I am very proud of all the children and staff of our school who took working on a building site for over a year in their stride and never once forgot that at Cheswick Green Primary School it is the very best for all, in all we do, all of the time.