Happy Friday Year 1!

This is our last day on the blog as from Monday all your videos and instructions will be Google Classroom. Please watch the video to show you how to access it (please ignore the second half of the video as Ms Gluyas made this video last term!). Your Google Classroom Logins have been stuck to the front of your new learning packs that you picked up from school yesterday but do email us if you have any problems.

Here are your instructions for the day. Make sure you have plenty of breaks to play and rest between the lessons! Watch the video to see the timetable so you know what activities you're doing today.

As always we start with Joe Wicks' PE video to get our bodies moving! This video is taken from his live session earlier this week. It is a bit longer so do as much as you can!

Now it's literacy time. Watch the video and write some sentences underneath the picture on your worksheet. You also have SPaG and handwriting sheets in your pack you can do.

Time for Maths next. Watch the video and complete the worksheet in your pack. Here are the answers to yesterday's maths: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Y1-Autumn-Block-3-ANS1-Recognise-and-name-3-D-shapes-2019.pdf

Yippee Lunchtime! Enjoy!

Let's do some phonics next. Watch the video recapping all the sounds. Next watch the video looking at 'oa'. Read along with me and you can also write the words down as we go along. Watch the next video to practise reading more 'oa' words. We also have a new phonics website for you called Reading Eggs. You will need a password to login in so we will be emailing these out to you today so hopefully by Monday everyone will be ready to get going on it! There is a video for you to watch explaining how to access the website and the what to do when you first log on. There is another video telling you the features of the website here https://support.3plearning.com/distance-teaching-resources/#reading-eggs

If you scroll down and click on Reading Eggs and then click on the video 'Using Reading Eggs to support your child with learning at home'.

Time for reading now. Watch the video to remind yourself how to choose a book from oxfordowl.co.uk. You have also got a reading comprehension in your pack to complete.

Finally it's time for Spanish. Go to Mr Gonzalo's Spanish Blog to see what you're doing today. https://all-souls-cofe-primary-school.j2webby.com/?p=6904

We look forward to seeing all your amazing work so please email it to our Year 1 email address: feedbackyear1@allsoulsprimary.co.uk

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on Google Classroom on Monday!

Mrs Leow-Clifford