#green worlds website

we like to save our plant by showing our advert to the world. also we save trees from them being cut down for palm oil.




help us today buy buying 1 acre of the forest

£3,020 for 1 acre so please buy one today!

you can save the Rain forest by just buying a acre

a acre is 4046.86 square meters

And the amazon is 5.5 trillion squared meters

7.3 million trees are being cut down every second

In the moist rainforests of South America, sloths move so slowly that algae are able to grow in their fur.

Some rainforest monkeys are omnivores, eating both animals and plants.

More than 2,000 different species of butterflies are found in the rainforests of South America.

lying animals of Asian rainforests include frogs, squirrels and snakes.

80% of the flowers in the Australian rainforests are not found anywhere else in the world.