Letter to myself


Dear future self,

Hi, I'm the younger and shorter version of you. Yes, I am younger Masha! I'm here to tell you some memories to never forget and ask questions about the future. first, memory is when we went to the beach for Lilianna's party. That was really fun. I nearly burned myself twice. Second, is when we went to Victoria park with Anja, Hana and Abi and watching Anja and Abi fail wad funny. First question, Are all my friends now still your friends? Second, Did you do well in school because oh boy, mum and dad would not be happy. Third, How short are you? Another question, What is your personality like? Do you still like mushrooms? (LOL) Another question, Who is your bestie? how many followers on Tik Tok? What is your job now?

From the younger and shorter version of you (LOL)

Mashie bear uwu (aka Masha)