100 words challenge:

It was night. It was quite outside. The moon shone brightly. I lay down closed my eyes and the darkness reclaimed me.

I heard the soft buzzing and the fluttering of it's wings. The flowers bloomed in the soft summer breeze. Children laughed in the endless fields of green. Though out of the blue I heard a loud shriek. The little girl burst out crying clutching her arm. I watched as the mother ran towards her and tenderly stroked the wound. I watched the bee fall to the ground - twitching in agony. Its crystal-like wings slowly halted to a stop. Its legs stopped twitched and it lay there in a curled furry ball. I felt sorry for it. Though i didn't know why. Animals should be treated fairly shouldn't they? I wondered if bees go bee heaven! But all the happy thoughts turned dark. What happened if the bee was just left there? What if it was stomped over by people? What if it was eaten by foxes? But its just a bee I thought. Just a bee....I heard people talking about forensics, but what did they do? Did they decapitate them and just throw them away? But its just a bee! But it just a bee....