100 words challenge:

Dear unknown,

Hi there. I'm probably not going to send this to anyone - but i thought this was a good way to just get some wait off my shoulders.

It was just yesterday...when mother told me something...something that made me rush upstairs and bury my head in my pillow crying for all i was worth. But I didn't understand. I'm young, you see, but mother told me he wasn't in a hospital faraway. I basically went on my knees and BEGGED her to let me visit him. We walked on and on and on towards the hospital asking her to tell me abut the incident. She said he had quite a big fall off a wall at the farm, there was a log and he broke his neck and legs on it. I was horrified. We got to the hospital eventually, and mother spoke to the attendants. They said it was on ward 3, room 27. I sprinted to the room and halted to a stop. I stared. My eyes stung with tears. A wheel chair he was in. Only if it was a little bit smaller...only if it was small enough to fit through the door and i could take him home. Only if i could.

