
Famous Paintings

Every year millions of pounds are spent on famous paintings by those that are dying to get there hands on the most famous pieces of art in the world.However, the most expenssive pieces of art aren't neccessarily the most famous as most famous paintings are owned by museums which very rarely sell them. Here are the top ten most famous paintings around the world found in museums.

10)'The birth of Venus' by Sandro Botticelli

9) 'Water lilies' by Claude Monet

8) 'Night Watch' by Rembrandt van Rijn

7)'The Scream'by Edvard Munch

6)'Girl with Pearl Earring'by Johannes Vermeer

5)'Guernica' by Pablo picasso

4)'The creation of Adam'by Michelangelo

3)'The Last Supper'by Leonardo Da Vinci

2)'Starry Night' by Vincent van Gogh

and the most famous painting... the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci