dairy of the wimpy kid said that this is not a dairy is a JOURNAL and if her mom buys her the book that says dear dairy Greg that my mom is crazy.he had a book in his hand waiting for someone to punch him with the book in his hands and he fell down.by selling his books he thinks he can be famous and rich.And when the teacher said to the child's that he had to sit near Greg he went AGHHHHH from his day dream and in assembly that someone sat next to him and he said is there someone sitting there and Greg said YES YES someone is sitting here.In the classroom a girl said to Greg can you pass this to Shally it was a letter saying Greg is a dork.In high school has changed a lot because the fast is person in the class has all the girls.At break time he went to the basketball court and he still saw the old stinky cheese and someone touched and he made a game called cheese touched and you have to croos your finger and Greg got D in his writing because he crossed his fingers.his brother woke him up at midnight to wake up and go to school so he put his school uniform on and went down to eat and he did a lot of sound and woke his dad up and he got in trouble.

from Sebastian