Fifa is a football game that has over 325 million sales from fifa 94-22.They made a total of $2.557 billion dollers for the fifa 22 game from october 1st.The game is availible on PC PlayStation 4 and 5 XBOX and nintendo switch.

In the game there are 2 main modes Ultimate team and career mode.In ultimate team you start off with a starter team which isnt that great .Then you open packs, play games and upgrade your team.You can buy and spend Fifa Points to open packs.In career mobe you can make a manager and lead a team to victory and you can sign any player but your board gives you a budget. You can also get 1m 10m 50m 100m 200m 500m and 1b at the start of your career mode. You can also make your own team and do the same. there are 2 versions of fifa ultimate and