How day and night occur

The Moon orbits the Earth, the Earth orbits the Sun. A full turn of the Earth is twenty four hours. As the Earth turns around,one side of the Earth is facing the sun ,which is

day,the Earth other side is facing no where, it is a shadow of the other side(day), which

is night. There are 8 phases of the moon; New moon, Waxing Cresent Moon, first quater

Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon, Full moon and the same thing in reverse.

The moon turns around with the Earth, thats why you somtimes the moon in the day and night.

The moon takes twenty eight days to go around the Earth. It takes 365 days/1 year to go all

around the Sun.The Earth is split in to to hemespheres, one is Northeren Hemesphere and the

other Southern Hemespher.As their is countries far away from others thet means other times

for example it may be 12 am here, its 12 pm in Australia.
