
Pandas have a special significance for WWF because they have been their logo since their founding in 1961.

What do pandas look like?

  • There are two types of panda breads. These are the giant panda and the red panda. The giant panda is the most known in China. The red panda even lives in the mountains in China. The red panda has a long tail; long as a wild cat's tail. The giant panda's tail is longer. A fun fact is that the giant panda has black and white fur. Both species have long sharp claws that they use to cut bamboo.

What do pandas do?

  • The giant and the red pandas spend most of their time eating or sleeping. A baby panda likes to play with another baby panda her/his age .They can even be very naughty that they can injury themselves. To get better they need around one week.

What do pandas eat?

  • Pandas are very fussy eaters. A big number of Pandas only eat bamboo (bamboo is a type of grass). A giant panda can eat up to 1/2 of a giant pandas weight in bamboo everyday.

Did you know?

Pandas are already endangered. So we need to take care of them in order not to become extinct.