

Scarcity means an unlimited amount of something. In Microsociety Week 1 we read the story of Justenuf. Just to recap what happened, I will explain briefly what happens in it.There was a planet called JUSTENUF and it had just enough of their FOOD for everyone. But one day the computer that made the food had no more strawberry trifle or chocolate cake or banana trifle and so the planet was in trouble. The was an argument about who should have the last munch of the foods. The Highest Ranking Officer shouted that they give it to the Highest Ranked Officer. A Proffessor suggsted they give the food to the smartest and a highly experienced soldier yelled that they fight it out with their stun guns. Captain Sally didn't know what to do.After that we played THE SHAPE GAME!!!

There are SIX GROUPS:A,B,C,D,E,F and they each got a paper package thing. I was in group E.(I'm going to tell the story from my point of view) 20 mins was on the clock and then we opened our package. All we had was some paper, a pencil and ONE counter.That was it. we spent a majority of our time attempting to make a square and no points we got. It was around six mins left when I, Abiran, realized that we could trade. Oh, and guess what? I asked my teacher, ''Are we allowed to excha-'' I stopped ONLY BECAUSE WE WERE NOT ALLOWED TO ASK QUESTIONS. At the end the winning teams got 25 points. We only got 10.

What group were you in? Were you LUCKY?