Friday 13th February 2015

L.O To write a recount about our class trip.

Natural history Museum

On Tuesday the 10th year 3 went and investigated

the Natural history Museum. We first took the

bus to seven sisters. After we took the underground

tube to south Kingston. We went off the tube and

walked for a little while. When we arrived we

went to the school reception.

The Teeth workshop

In the workshop we learnt about which dinosaurs that

are herbivore or carnivore and we also had a test to

which skull belongs to an animal. After we stared to

pack up for lunch.

Time for a adventure

After we had lunch we investigated the museum.

we looked at robotic dinosaurs and volcanos plus

earthquake. We went on a earthquake simulator

that happen in japan in 2011.It was very wobbly

and bumpy because ever where and objects were

falling and moving.