
Currency.Pounds, dollars, euros,pennies,sterling,crone, rupee! So many! In microsociety we have currently been learning about money and currency.Different countries have different currencies.

Every single country has a currency that are different colours, styles and have

different important people on it.

Also, we have voted on the society flag!It shows a dragon flying through three different colours!So now we have our flag and our name!It was equally decided and fairly chosen. Our class are all happy with the votes and we enjoyed it all thanks to our teacher, Mr Torres!

On Friday we played Monopoly in groups of four.We discussed different strategies and whether it was a good or bad idea to save your money or to invest and negotiate.We learned that it's kind of like everyday life as you go to the bank and buy things(not in the bank, in shops!).There are many advantages and disadvantages in life, so you have to get used to it as it happens very commonly to everyone in the world!

Going on a trip to Lavender Hill Magistrates Court, we acted out a court case and discussed whether the culprit should be punished or not and various reasons to support our views! In the modern day life people commit crimes and have to be questioned and taken to court to decide: are they guilty or not?

Over all we discussed currency and how it works.We know that all places in the world have their own, unique currency based on their own, unique