
week 1

Today my class had to decide their own society name and flag.

My group was the students on our table.I came up with our flag

and Hussain came up with the name "The Democratic Republic

Of Mensa." There was a challenge to find the best flag and name.

Zaptos's table won the best flag and Maxim's table won the best

name Mensa Zootropiles. Then there was a challenge to see,who

can get the most points. To get the points we have to get the most

circles and squares,which have to be the length of 10cm each side.

If you get them perfectly you get ten points.Each of our table have

different resources and we have to trade to get the ones we need.

One counter is five points. Maxim's table teamwork and jobs

they each did.Our table became 4th because we didn't have

enough paper and time.

Motto:In democracy we believe