
and the

giant Peach

Book name: James and the giant Peach

Author: Roald Dahl

published: 1961

Fiction non fiction


The book " James and the giant peach" is about an orphan boy called James and he lives with his rambunctious aunt Spiker and aunt Sponge. One day, a man gave him a pack of tiny glowing- green Crocodile tongues. Then, a enormous giant peach grows in a peach tree. After that, the aunts said to James that he have to clean the backyard where the peach is. When he was cleaning the backyard, he ate bit of the Peach and suddenly,a Crocodile tongue jumped into the Peach and James ate it. Then, he saw a hole in the Peach. So, he went into it and he got smaller and smaller. After that, he saw some creatures.They were able to talk. There was a Centipede, Spider, Earthworm, Silkworm, old green Grasshopper,Ladybug and Glow worm. Suddenly, the Peach started to roll and it went into the sea. SPLASH! Then it came back up. Then James said to the insects that he wanted to go to New York. Finally,James saw lots of seagulls and he got and idea. He got some silk from the silkworm and he he tied it in centipede`s back. He said to the Centipede to act like he is sleeping. Then the birds saw the Centipede and the came down to get Centipede but James throwed a string on the birds neck. He tied it in the top of the peach. After one day, they landed on top of the Empire State building, which is in New York.

book review

I will recommend this book to over ages 9 because this is a book for those ages and especially my age (10)This is an one of the best book that Roald Dahl wrote.

rating 8.9/10