Remember to take photos of your child's homework and email me at before we break up for half term in May.

Hi Everyone,

Our new topic this half-term is Paws, Claws and Whiskers. Here are the homework activities for you for this half term. Please choose at least 3 out of the 6 topic activities to complete. There are also English and Maths tasks which will support your child with their school work and learning. Please continue to read daily with your child and help them learn their ORT words and spellings. We will be working on Phase 3, 4 and 5 phonics depending on your child's level.



  1. Make a scrapbook all about your pet, or a pet you would like to have. What is the pet's name? What type and breed of animal is it? Add photographs and information about interesting things they do or things they need to stay healthy.
  2. Choose an endangered animal to draw or paint. Find out where it lives and why it is endangered. Make a poster giving people information about this animal.
  3. Make an animal mask or a 3D model of an animal of your choice using reclaimed materials.
  4. Write out your favourite animal poem or nursery rhyme in your best handwriting. Illustrate it, then practise reading it aloud with lots of expression. Perform it to your family and friends at home before you perform it at school to the class.
  5. Collect some 'Amazing Animal Facts' about fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Which animal is the fastest, heaviest, strongest? Write down the facts in a 'Did you know...?' style
  6. Research what it means if an animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. Find pictures of animals that belong in each group and stick them into the group.