How to fit in

Sorry for the delay guys i know you all were waiting for the next chapter. I was planning on what to write.

Well how to fit in. It is quiet hard to fit in with a different crowd when you are offered a chance to a modeling course and you take it. Through out your life there may be people trying to drag you down your ladder especially in modeling courses. some models who are in top classes try to put you down. sometimes they might even moan about tiny little things that aren't important and make a big deal out of it. You don't have to wear everything that other people were just to fit in you don't have to have all of theses designer or fancy clothing. what you need to do is say to your self im proud for who i am and not for who i am not. i don,t need all these fancy clothing's. what you need to do is say to that person you don't push me around and tell me what to do im proud for who i am. also you need to say to them your probably just jealous of what i have that you don,t. express your own style express what you want to express. dosent matter if you like 60 style clothing or 80s. I like retro and messy crazy styles i dont let anyone bring me down stand up to them.