What is The Blitz?

The Blitz was a petrifying series of attacks

in the war where Civilains and soldiers were

being invaded by what's

called "Air raids," by Germany.

Why did they want to bomb us?

Germany wanted to rule Britain; They bombed us to scare us and destroy all our weapons.

Did you know?

The world war banned nukes

and acid bombs because they killed

way too many people which means

they could of destroyed the entire

world if they bombed too many times.

They only dropped acid bombs three


Where did the Germans drop bombs?

There is quite a few places:

In big cities,



a third of London

and many more.

When was the Blitz?

The Blitz took place in September 1940 to May 1941 (during WW2.)


-An underground shelter

-The Anderson shelter

-The Morrison shelter

-Public train tunnels

-Keeping out the lights

Even the car head lights


Did you know

that 32,000 civilians were killed and 87,000 were injured?

Bombs dropped



-Oil bombs

-Nukes (Banned)

-Acid bombs (banned)


Evacuees are children

who escaped the big

city to a much safer

place in the countryside.

Many children said they

really liked it because

so much to do and they

had really lovely families!

Even Walter Thomson

(Churchill's bodyguard)

really like it too!

Sadly, over 300 bombers

dropped 300 tonnes of bombs

(By Georgia Palmer)