Long long ago,in a city far away, there lived a brother and a sister who couldn't be more different. Jack would spend his days exploring an old rubbish yard and playing football by his school. While his sister spends her days inside reading and imagining. They didn't get along at all in fact they hated each other they argued most of the day. But one day the mum said "I can't deal with you go outside and play together." They left the house and found a junk yard were he explores. Jack starts moaning at Rose because there here. Rose left the dark,smelly junk yard and found a tunnel as Jack is a explorer he was questioned. "I think we should go in the tunnel." exclaimed Jack." NO" replied Rose. But Jack ignored Rose and he went in the tunnel."Stop Jack ." Shouted Rose. `

In the tunnel Jack saw loads of fairy tale references. The axe from little red riding hood,the campfire from hansel and gretal, the beanstalk from Jack and the beanstalk and a gingerbread house also from hansel and gretal. He saw these details in Rose's book and he was questioned where is he. In Rose's book there was also a witch who made someone into stone. Jack wasn't scared though he wanted to stop anyone from turning him to stone. But the witch in the bushes heard Jack then she came out from her hiding spot and said " If you come with me i'll give you sweets." "Deal." replied Jack. So Jack and the witch went up to a hill and saw that the witches house was the gingerbread house. But then BANG Jack was a stone figure.

Now there is a problem Jack is stuck head to toe in stone, Rose doesn't know Jack is now stone Jack where he is or why he is taking an hour+ to get out from the tunnel. She doesn't even know what is in the tunnel. How is she able to save him. The only way Jack can be saved is by Rose facing her fears. Even if Rose does face her fears and find Jack how can she save him. She also can't go home to mum and say Jack is lost in tunnel and i'm to scared to save him.

Jack might be stuck as the witches statue for ever. Everyone the witch sees turns into stone and added to he collection of stone people. Jack is now beside a load of stone people. The witch only puts them out to say don't come or this will be you.

Jack was stuck in stone util Rose went to face her fears. She dropped her book and went into the tunnel she saw the campfire, the beanstalk,the axe and she saw a grave stone. It said "RIP WOLF." She screamed and ran past and went up the hill. She saw the witches castle from her book she entered the first stone person she saw was Jack she was to late she couldn't save him. She cried as she hugged him and a minute later Jack was himself again they sprinted and sprinted then they crawled through the tunnel Rose got her book Jack got his football and they went back home and told mum all about it. Jack and Rose's mum said "Don't go back in that tunnel or you both will be stone and they lived happily ever after.