!Copernicus vs Galileo!


Copernicus was an

astrominer which is

a type of scientist.

He was also a Priest

so when he discovered

that the Sun was in

the centre of the

Earth he didn't

straight away go and

tell because he

wouldn't be able

to be a priest



Galileo was also an

astrominer like

Copernicus but was

not a priest and

was younger.

An astrominer is

some one who is part

of an astronomy, an

astronomy is a group

of people who study

stars. He only started

to study the proof

of what Copernicus

discovered when he

heard about it.

I personally think that

Galileo and Copernicus

were both equally the

same in being extremely

smart! I would say this

because Copernicus

did actually come up

with the idea but

didn't say why because

he might of been afraid

that he would be fired

from being a priest.

However, Galileo

did actually prove the

theory and a good

scientist must be able

to prove what he says.