Test your galactic knowledge with this Star Wars quiz, including Films 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7 & 8.

1. Who is the Queen of Naboo during the invasion of the Trade Federation

2. True or False? Qui Gon Jinn slays Nute Gunray

3. Who has a two-bladed lightsaber? a) Darth Sidious b) Qui Gon Jinn c) Darth Maul d) Count Dooku

4. What species is Zam Wessel

5. True or False? Jango Fett kills Coleman Trebor

6. Where does Anakin Skywalker marry Padme Amidala? a) Tatooine

b) Naboo c) Coruscant d) Geonosis

7. What is General Grievous’ ship called?

8. True or False?Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker.

9. Where does Anakin Skywalker dual Obi-Wan? a) Mustafar b) Tatooine c) Coruscant d) Pondis Masa

10. Where does Princess Leia tell Grand Moff Tarkin the rebel base is?

11. True or False? Wedge Antilles is destroyed in the Battle of Yavin?

12. Who destroys the first Death Star? a) Luke Skywalker b)Wedge Antilles c) Biggs Darklighter d) Han Solo

13. Where is Echo Base?

14. True or False? Darth Vader hires Bossk.

15. Where does Luke find out that Vader is his Father? a) Bespin b) Endor c) Yavin d)Hoth

16. Who holds the frozen Han Solo hostage?

17. True or False? Vader murders the Emperor

18. Who tells Luke of his sister? a) Yoda b) Obi-Wan c) Mace Windu

d) Vader

19. Where does Poe Dameron find the map to Skywalker?

20. True or False? Kylo Ren commits patricide.

21. Where does Rey dual Kylo Ren? a) Starkiller Base b) Jakku c) Takadona d) D’Quar

22. Where does Luke Skywalker go for exile?

23. True or False? The First Order uses an army of AT-M6 walkers during the Battle of Crait

24. What is the name of Snoke’s flagship? a) The Raddus b) The Finalizer c)The Millennium Falcon d)The Supremacy

Answers on the next page. 


1. Queen Amidala

2. False

3. C

4. Clawdite

5. True

6. B

7. The Invisible Hand

8. True

9. A

10. Dantooine

11. False

12. A

13. Hoth

14. True

15. Bespin

16. Jabba The Hutt

17. True

18. a

19. Jakku

20. True

21. A

22. Ach-To

23. True

24. D

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