Why do we use the Internet

We use the Internet to do our work,doing research,playing games,going on E-school reading eggs, Education city, Shopping online, Speaking to people on the other side of the world, Facbook, Twitter, Skype etc.

How the Internet developed

In 1945 Vannever Bush published the'Memex' which,had never had been built and Joseph licklider published had an idea of networked computers called Galactic Network. In 1969 USA created 'distirduted network' and ARPAnet connected four host computer. A man named Ray Tomlison created ,sign '@'as a way to seperate the address in 1971 in addition ARPAnet went global and went to England and Noway in 1973. In 1982 Noway and university collage created 'satellite network' furthermore Tim berntes-Lee devloveped world wide web in 1989.

Technologcal Revolution