In year 6,we have been reading the book 'number the star' by , which tells us the story of 3 girl.

I have written a character descriptions of Annemarie.

In my mind, Annemarie is a compassinate /friendly preson 'Number the star (which was written by Losie Lowy). However, the 3 girls called Kirsti -Annemarie -Ellen the living in Copenagen. Annemarie is Kirsti's older sister. Ellen is Annemarie best friend in addition to this it all starts in war world 2.

As described in the book,I belive that Annemarie is a marvellous athletic, who is a competel player furtheremore, she still plays fair when it come to races. Due to the fact, in chaper 1 it says 'I know I'm going to win girls footrace this week ' the author shows us that she keep going and never give up. Annemarie ,who has a beauitful futher ahead of her is as quick as a flash.

In my opionon, Annemarie is lovely when the author says 'Quickly Annemarie reached down again and grabbed her sister's hand before Kirsti could resist. Hurrying the little girl, along ,she rounded the corner which,tell us she loves her sister ;make sure she is safe; will do anything for her.