Micro Society Blog

This week in Micro Society, we did some more trading with other businesses.

We read the next part of the story, we did a vote and trading of course. The next part of the story was about this family who were not doing well with their farming land and crops, therefore the had no money. However, in one of the families in the Society, they were sell things that were useful. This gave the poor family an idea. They began to sell things at a cheap price and they had made lots of money. What were the other family going to d now?

In our first session of Micro Society I think I did well. Our business had earn quite a lot of money. We each got 69 Alpha Cents(our currency). I was quite pleased. Also in one of the business, they sold code breakers for 10 Alpha Cents. If you were the first to solve it, you can win 20 Alpha Cents. And I won both of the code breakers. So additionally, I got another 40 Alpha Cents. In total in my purse,

I have 1...2...3...4...105... 517 Alpha Cents. I can not believe it. Also we had a vote who was going t be split banker because Gwyneth wanted to unite with a business so to see who was going to share Gwyneth's job. We still do not know the results. Will I win?