Welcome Back to School

"Dear students, the summer has ended.

The school year at last has begun.

But this year is totally different.

I promise we'll only have fun.

"We won't study any mathematics,

and recess will last all day long.

Instead of the Pledge of Allegiance,

we'll belt out a rock 'n' roll song.

"We'll only play games in the classroom.

You're welcome to bring in your toys.

It's okay to run in the hallways.

It's great if you make lots of noise.

"For homework you'll play your Nintendo

You'll have to watch lots of TV.

For field trips we'll go to the movies

and get lots of candy for free.

"The lunchroom will only serve chocolate

and Triple-Fudge Sundaes Supreme."

Yes, that's what I heard from my teacher

before I woke up from my dream.

1. The first thing I like about this is that its humor because it is a very funny and makes me laugh.

2. The second thing I like about his poem is the way the boy or girl wakes up from his sleep. It was all a dream.

3. My third point is it is clever the way he made a story out of the poem and it is a rhyming poem.