Day 1 - Galapagos Islands


By: Charles Darwin

1865 15th September

Admirable Adventures

Life at Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands has the best food I have ever known,

it's extremely rocky here and there is so much to explore.

The astonishing sound of the waves crashing against the

shore will echo in your ears as you eat and watch all the

breathtaking animals splash around in the calm water.

There is very many things here, things that I have never

seen before. Glistening silver shells cover the land

where the sea stops, the amazing things to see

fill me with great excitement for the other days.

There truly is everything I need here and more.

Darwins Discoveries

Though it has been less than a day, I am proud to say that I have discovered a brand new fabulous species that I have never heard of before. They have such extraordinary wildlife and creatures here. Though I do not know much about these animals, I know this is the biggest species of turtle ever imaginable. These colossal creatures can dive up to 30 ft underwater, there are also some interesting bats in my cave. I will write more when I know more.