The pros and cons of being 10 years old!

Being ten years old has its advantages but... sometimes it can be rough. Now you may think us ten year old's have a wonderful life " You're lucky you don't have to pay bills!"my Mum says.

1)Pro:You tend to get spoiled by your siblings👌.

Having all older brothers and sisters, my Christmas' and birthday's are legendary. However, it doesn't last for long!

2)Con:Every other day😒

Every other day (except from my birthday and Christmas) I constantly get bossed around! ( kind of over exaggerating) It's quite annoying being the 5th child.

3)Pro:Decorating for Christmas😃

Since all my brothers and sisters are older and busy with their lives, they haven't really got time for Christmas decorating so i get to do it all. Now you may think that is a bad thing but it's quite fun!

4)Con:Chores (* - *)

Being the youngest, I do get less chores than my other siblings but, who say's I want chores at all? I know it sound just a "little" bratty but come on I'm ten, let me live my ten year old life in peace!

5)Con and pro:Being tall (*> _ <*)

So,I'm not only ten but I am literally a giant. Believe it or not, I'm basically the tallest person in my school! But, if someone needs help with reaching something I am always there!

6)Con: Going on a bus

Since I am so tall, when I go on a bus, the bus driver always expects me to tap an oyster. When I don't (because you need to be 11 years old to have a oyster) they always call me back. I then have to give a long explanation about how I'm ten, and that my dad is the size of a redwood tree so I inherited his tallness. Then finally,they let me on.