
Bullying is deliberately hurting making someone feel upset. Bullying is by all means unacceptable but is

sometimes used as an understatement an example is:You have an argrement with a friend about which

game to play you call this person a bully because they say your game is not fun.

Different types of bullying

There are many types of bullying. There is PHYSICAL bullying that is usually kicking,hitting,punching,smacking and more.

There is VERBAL bullying which is saying things that would hurt like spreading gossip,name calling,insulting the way they look or dress,taunting,telling rude jokes and many more

There is CYBER bullying which online or on social media this type could include reacting rudely to a video or meme,asking for personal details,saying mean comments and thinking they are funny. These I have mentioned are only a few types of bullying;There are so many more to discover.

Why people bully?

There are loads of reasons of why people bully they could be jealous of a reputation and try to ruin it,they could have been bullied before,they could have problems at home and they take their out at school but for whatever reason they have bullying is never ok.

What to do about bullies

If someone is bullying you or even a friend tell an adult you trust who will help you. There is no point keeping it inside until it gets worse. Get some friends if that person does not like you does not mean everyone does not like you play with someone to Get the bully off your mind.

Don't be a bystander and tell an adult about bullying!!!

I hope I have helped anyone understand bullying

Thanks for reading

By Madeleine . A.😀😀😀