
Centipedes ( lithobius forficatus) are mostly found in the UK.A Centipede can grow a bit smaller than your thumb. Centi means 100 so the centipede have around 100 legs however all of them actually have an odd number of legs. You might have seen theses beasts a they aren't that small...


Centipedes are often

under logs, but you may

find them under or near

stones. They are mostly

found in the UK, home

to the British Isles. If

you go to the seaside you

might find them near the

seashore as they like the sun.

From time to time they will

be found in gardens because

they burrow in soil.


The colour of these creatures is brownish red, with long antennae

at their front. Centipedes have at least 99 legs but need to have a pair of legs at

their back. These beasts are long and thin and quite flat. They are cool and moist. There are diffrent shapes and sizes , but adults grow up to 3cm in length.


Some of the centipedes

are vegetarians who eat other

small inscets such as worms,

spiders, small lizards.


When centipedes

hunt they can't see

very well but they

are active hunters.

Centipedes have fangs at

the back of there head

which are called

'poison jaws'. The gland

in there head fills the back

of there head with poison.

Centipedes ONLY hunt at night.

As they can't see very well

they detect there prey by the preys



57 different speices different colours different lengths

odd number of legs

crawl backwards

crawl forwards

some are poison

bite humans