The Magical Hall

It was a hot sunny day, Natalia and her brother Max, were in the library. Max was reading a book with no pictures which made Natalia bored and tired.The book was not interesting at all! Suddenly, Natalia looked up and saw a brown,blued eyed ogre, she couldn't believe her eyes. Jumping from her chair, Natalia nervously chased after the ugly ogre. Then out of nowhere, the ogre couldn't be seen. He had gone into a magical,dark hall. So Natalia followed him, without thinking.

Before she could blink, Natalia fell down into the dark hall. It was the home of that ugly,brown and blue eyed ogre. He wasn't there, he was nowhere to be seen. Natalia whispered, "Its dark and creepy in here, I must go before the ogre comes back." Natalia eyes were glowing because of the light, the light was as bright as the sun. It was coming from a room across the hall. She started walking and saw lots of things, Natalia was frightened. Sadly Natalia muttered, "I want to go home, I don't like it here, I'm afraid."

Natalia opened the the hard, cold door. She was in a room, it was the ogres room. "I wish I could catch that curious ogre," Natalia said. It was a gloomy and dirty room, it smelt so bad. Then Natalia turned around and in front of her were lots of doors. She tried to open them but none of them would open. Then she saw a huge,hard wooden door, which opened. The huge door took Natalia to a brown and red room. Then out of nowhere, a drink appeared. It said "DRINK IT!" It was amazing. Then she saw a piece of cake, it said "EAT IT!" Natalia, had a quick smell of the cake and then ate it. Suddenly, Natalia felt herself getting smaller and smaller. Natalia started to cry and wondered to herself, why is this happening to me? she then Muttered to herself, " I wish i could go back to Max." Natalia felt all alone, she wanted to go home.

After a while, Natalia calmed down. Then suddenly, her arms started turning light brown and they became itchy. Then before she could scream, she had turned into a small dog. Natalia wondered what had happened, she felt terrified! She thouhght about the drink that said, "DRINK IT!" and the cake that said, "EAT IT!" It had to of been that......