Today scientist are working on a new project to discover what part of the bees body leaves the sting and what happens after the bee is dead.

The sting comes from the bottom of the bee,that is the part of body that leaves the sting.What happens after the bee dies?

When those bodies lose some moisture, the "undertaker bees" carry away the lighter-weight bodies and drop them 150 feet or more away from the hive, studies show. "Most of the rest just drop, somewhere, when they no longer can forage or stay in the air," Mussen says.When those bodies lose some moisture, the "undertaker bees" carry away the lighter-weight bodies and drop them 150 feet or more away from the hive, studies show. "Most of the rest just drop, somewhere, when they no longer can forage or stay in the air.Hope you enjoyed 😊😊😊