Journal Entry

A Day at School

Monday 19th October 2020

I'm in year 5 and it is going to be different because this year there is the covid -19 pandemic. In During lessons we don't touch the board. Masks to eat only. We talk from our desks. I don't like this covid 19 pandemic. Now we need to wear a mask in class and we only take the mask off in break when we eat and if we want to switch mask to mask. For me, I like wearing the mask but because not that it's obligatory i have to wear it, no ifs or buts!!! I will miss the days when we would jump on each-other and run around. :( :( The school made steps for us to walk on. All the kids in class are happy that we can see each other. It is going to be a tough year but if we work together we can make it happen.