
Macbeth won the battle and rode on his horse with his friend Banquo all of a sudden...

A cloud of mist apeared out of nowhere and lerking in the mist where three ugly witches.

All of the witches pointed there left hands and shouted " all hail Macbeth thane of Glamis,all hail

Macbeth thane of cawdor, all hail Macbeth who shall be king. Then they pointed their wrinkley

hands at Banquo and yelled" all hail Banquo who's sons shall be king. They both looked really puzzled.

he goes back to his beloved wife, a few hours later a messanger came and told him that the king of

cawdor has been exicuted of tresion. he was very suprised. the next night the thane of glamis came for

the night. Macbeth's wife told him to go and kill the thane of Glamis while he was asleep. Macbeth

got up at night ready for the crime. As he walked up the dark and gloomy stairs he saw something

glowing. Wondering what it was, he went to investigate. it was a dagger of some sort. A few minutes

later it started oozing with red blood. Macbeth thought it was a sign to not kill the thane of Cawdor.

An hour later Macbeth had completed his task. He went back to his wife with two daggers covered

in red blood and his hands smeared eith red blood. His wife told him to go and put the daggers in the

guards hands so it looks like the guards had done it. Macbeth refused so his wife went and did it for

him. The next morning everyone was panicking as the Thane of Cawdor had been KILLED!!!!!!!!!

By Gracie and Xenon 5H