Mr Spencer, i accept ur challenge to repeat Amelie’s post on all about meeeeeee!

Name: Flora

middle name: Frances

surname: Sullivan

fav coulour: Red

fav sport: dodge ball, ice skating

fav food: hash browns, oreo eggs

fav singer: Ariana Grande

siblings: brother.

pets: none 😔

fav ice cream flavour: honeycomb

fav number: 5

fav animal: dogs

fav wild animal: seal

fav song: thank u, next.

place of origin: England

class: y6

School: St Barnabas and St Philips

hobby: crafting

age: 11

fav clothes: big hoodie and denim skirt

visited countries: Spain, Portugal, France, England, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Croatia, Ireland, Finland

Birthday: 6 november

Languages: english, some french, some spanish.

Future job: fashion designer

fave movie: frozen 2 (so childish)

country living in currently: England

Religion: Christian

Fav season: Summer

Countries I want to visit: New York. Some others 2.