Home learning

WB 29/6/20



Last week you listened to the story of Esio Trot by Roald Dahl. The link below is not working but if you google Esio Trot audio you are looking for the link below. You might want to listen to it again....


TASK: Write a book review about the book Esio Trot or another Roald Dahl book that you have read. Use can use the template provided or choose your own format to share your thoughts about the book.

TASK: Write a letter to your new class teacher Miss Wilson. Some of you will get to meet Miss Wilson if you are in school already or if you are coming to Thursday's transition session. Use the letter as an opportunity to tell Miss Wilson all about yourself..... your hobbies and interests... your friends.....the subjects you enjoy or are good at and perhaps things that you might find more tricky. It will provide Miss Wilson with some really important information about you. You can bring your letter on Thursday or email it to me. If you already attend school and are in a bubble you can complete this in school next week. Remember to punctuate your sentences carefully and use a range of conjunctions to join your ideas eg when, because, so, if, but.....

TASK: Have a go at the questions on the Grammar and Punctuation Challenge powerpoint.

See what you can remember about the grammar and punctuation that you have been taught this year. You could do it as a little quiz. Let me know how you get on!

TASK: If you didn't start reading a Roald Dahl book last week please start one and read a little every day. Reading regularly to practise fluency and understanding is really important.

TASK: Complete the comprehensions: paper 1 and paper 2 in the documents section. (Just complete paper 1 if paper 2 is too tricky)


In the documents section I have put a spelling revision and practice booklet. It will talk about preparing your child for SATS which is obviously not now needed. However, I have included the booklet as it is a revision of the phonics/ spellings covered in KS1 through a range of activities and so it would be useful to complete. It may take longer than a week. If your child struggles with a particular spelling or pattern let me know and I can provide supplementary activities.