Atrillion Archiologist's

Yesterday,all of my class did a history project in the hall at Ford.It wastransformed into a burial site because we were learning about the bronze age techniques to find out about prehistoric times.We got taught by Jane.

First of all,we created a very long time line about historical events.I found out that they lived over 4000 years ago and to my amazement they didn't write back then!

Minutes later,we actually got to hold real life artifacts from the mueseum and found out lots of interesting and unbelivible facts.My favourite artifact was the mini modle house because you could take the roof off and see how they made it.

Soon, we got to venture to the back of the hall and sive through the soil and found lots of little arrow heads and pots with beautifl paternes on them made with combs.

Finally,we got to look at all of the artifacts and I found a needle and an animal bone.They definatly looked different from the start.

Finally,at the end of it all I looked back on what I had done and smiled!I would definatly do it again!