moon landing diary


The day before the take of I am with my family we are all exited and proud of me but no one is more proud of me than me! I have been practicing for years and the time has almost come I am so worried and really exited to be the first man to walk on the moon.

It was the middle of the night I could not sleep I so nerves what if I messed up? I don't want to go down in history as a fool what if I don't come back what happens then what if we run out of fuel on the moon we would be stuck on the moon with little oxygen we can't call for help what if... well we will just sort it out tomorrow.  


321 blast of we have took of the view from up there was incredible we have come so far we are so proud of our self's.


we just landed on the moon 'one small step for man one giant leap for man kind! it was so amazing seeing earth this far away we did it we beat them we did it my dreams have come true.


we are almost home I just know all my family will be waiting at home for me and at the air port there will be reporters for us all   


at the airport there were 20 reporters there me and my family had a great time after that I just hope I will be remembered as a hero not a fool in history.