Pyeography - The life of Mr Pye 

Our new teacher for this term is the fabulous, football loving world traveller Mr Pye. In this biography you will find out about Mr Pye's life from the day he was born through the countries he has explored up to the minute he took foot into our classroom.

Early life:

He was born in Southampton a number of years ago. He went to school in Hamble which was called Hamble Primary school. As a child he dreamed of becoming an astronaut because he wanted to see and discover other planets and a builder because he liked fixing things. He also had two younger sisters called Lorna and Katie.


After primary school he went to secondary and on his last year, when he was sixteen, passed ten G.C.S.E's. In English and Psychology he got the A level. After that he went to university and studied Thai. Then he had a one year teaching course.


He trained as a chef in school and Hong Kong in a restaurant. He also worked in a secondary school in Maidstone where he taught Geography and Maths. As well as that he was a scuba diving instructor in Honduras.


He travelled to Asia and stayed there for three years. The countries he visited in Asia were Thailand ( where he learnt to dive ) and Hong Kong where he worked. Then the last eight years he spent in Central America where he visited Honduras, Nicargua and Mexico.


For half of this year he went to Mexico where he did cave diving, exploring and making map also relaxing on the beach. For the other half of the year he will be teaching in schools all around Kent.

Having had the chance to meet him I now know that he's a sensible teacher. I will really enjoy looking forward to all the fun things he's planned. Now you know a little bit about Mr Pye, I hope you will look forward to meeting him.