Chapter 1

In a gloomy and happy house, there lived the Taylor family. There was the mum called Sheela Taylor and she loved cooking as well as reading. She would never get mad at her children or anyone unless the one thing was taken off her without asking! Her recipe book! The greatest book of all! The thing was, no one ever knew why she liked it. It was very dusty and was from her great- great - great- great grandma, so it must have been old!

The dad, who was called Tony, was very sporty. He made the children try to go to every sports competition. He went to the gym on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, he kept going on Friday and even on Saturday. He must have been very tired after that!

Let's carry on before he gets us to a sporting event. The teenager... well there is actually two so let's say teenagers. First there is Johnny. He was very let's say tidy but in his own way. He says that he will become a drummer with his band 'THE MUMMYS'. No one believes him from the children but the parents do which is a bit good. When I said he was tidy in his own way, I meant that he is very tidy except the fact that he leaves his cereal bowls on his floor until there is nowhere to step except the bowls themselves which is gross. Now to the next one, she is called Thea. She is very bossy and if she doesn't get what she wants, she gets annoyed and goes to her room shutting the door behind her. Thea wants to become a model which is completely different to her family. Her clothes are always very glamorous and she is always into fashion designing.

Just before we get some new clothes that she sews us, we need to go to meet two more children Lola and Julia. They are twins but they don't like to do the same thing. Lola likes to play football and Julia likes to do gymnastics. Even though they both do sport, they do not like to do their dad's gym classes and do sports that he signs them up for. They don't like it as they get embarrassed when he shows up as he tries to do it too.

Now that we have introduced the family, we can get to their adventurous story.

In their gloomy house, the family was going off to school and work. It was 6:45 in the morning and there was no one in the house except the two young girls as they were sick. Whilst they were asleep, out of the corner of Julia's ear there was a creek noise but she thought it was just Lola opening the toilet door (it was very creaky). But then she heard it again and again. She looked down and Lola was there so she got very frightened. She couldn't bear thinking what it was. But then it appeared...